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Export of Accounting and Materials


We at Voitto think it is super important that we do not lock you in as a customer and that external parties can easily access your accounting. That’s why we have created an export functionality that allows you to export your material at any time and get all the materials you need.

How to Make an Export

You can export your entire material or a specific period at any time by going to Settings / Export in the web portal. The entire export is saved as a zip file with the name export<company name>_<from date>-<to date>.zip.

Content of the Export


If you want to see all the documents in your file manager, open export/documents. There you will find a folder called “booked” which contains all booked documents. Booked documents get the file name: <document_id><list of verifications linked to the document>_original_filename. You can see and search for a verification number and see the file that is linked.


Under reports, you will find balance and profit reports delivered to you during the year, but also reports from the payroll module and the invoicing module. They have the same structure as documents, but you can find them in the file manager under export/reports.

Bank Transactions

If you open bankTransactions/ in the file manager, you will find two folders. One with active bank accounts and one with inactive ones. The respective folder contains partly an HTML representation of the bank account but also a CSV file with the bank transactions.

SIE Files

Under the fiscalYears folder, you will find an SIE export for the period you selected.

Account Specifications

Under account specifications, you will find all the specifications for the balance accounts you have with Voitto as of the end date you have chosen for the export. Each account specification is saved as a PDF with information on the date it applies to and the date it was generated.

Interactive Material

If you have extracted all the files from the zip file, you will find a file called index.html. If you open this file in your browser, you have access to an interactive version of your accounting. This includes viewing metadata from either Documents, Reports, or Bank transactions that show how, for example, a document was linked to a verification in the accounting.

Data Details


On the page for documents, you will find the following information about each document:

  • Document ID (unique identifier of the document)
  • Booking status
  • Sorting
  • Descriptive name
  • Linked bank transactions
  • Linked accounting verifications
  • Amount
  • Upload date


On the reports page, you will find the following information about each report:

  • Report ID (unique identifier for the report)
  • Accounting status
  • Report date
  • Type of report
  • Name of the report
  • Linked bank transactions
  • Linked accounting verifications
  • Created time

Bank Transactions

On the bank transactions page, you will find the following information about each bank transaction:

  • Transaction ID (unique identifier for the transaction)
  • Date
  • Description
  • Internal reference
  • External reference
  • Currency
  • Amount
  • The balance (if it was in the bank)
  • Link (against document, report, or other bank transaction)
  • Linked accounting verification
  • What date it was synced to Voitto