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Price List

We at Voitto value that you as a customer should receive a clear price for each month. Therefore, we apply a fixed price for our services. Which price you end up at is determined based on your company’s turnover and how many vouchers you have during a financial year. This means you avoid unnecessary surprises.

Price for Ongoing Accounting

Turnover 0-1 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited1,195

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 2,995.

Turnover 1-3 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited1,795

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 3,995.

Turnover 3-5 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited1,995

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 5,995.

Turnover 5-10 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited2,995

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 7,995.

Turnover 10-20 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited3,495

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 7,995.

Turnover 20-50 million per year

Name of PackageAverage Number of VouchersMaximum Vouchers/MonthTime Included (min/month)Number of EmployeesPrice/Month (SEK)
A little0-2080200Unlimited4,395

Start-up cost for companies within this turnover level: SEK 15/min with a maximum ceiling of SEK 7,995.

Additional Fees for More than 100 Vouchers Per Month

If your company has more than 100 vouchers per month, an additional SEK 15/voucher that exceeds 100 is added to the basic price for the subscription you already have, based on the company’s turnover level.

What advice is included in the fixed price?

Our goal is always to provide you with the best possible service. For us, this means that we handle the questions we receive from you as a customer in a professional manner. Some questions require a little more thought and should therefore, in our opinion, be answered by an area specialist. For example, there may be questions about salary, troubleshooting in older periods or tax. These are therefore not included in the fixed price and are charged extra for. We always inform you if a question or something you need help with is not included in the fixed price, as well as what the minute price is.

Advisory Services Pricing

ServicePrice/Minute (SEK)
Senior Economist15
Area Specialist25
Agency Partner35

Voucher Definition and Calculation

What Counts as a Voucher?

Simply put, it can be said that verification includes the following:

  • Purchases: All purchases you make and receive receipts for. All supplier invoices. But also expenses that employees make in the company. Note that supplier invoices must also be booked (an additional voucher) in connection with receiving the invoice if the company has the invoice method.
  • Salary: The salary is recorded as a voucher if you only pay salary once a month.
  • Sales:
    • Dooer Invoicing: Dooer Invoicing is posted automatically and is not included in the price. However, manual adjustments we need to make due to errors are counted separately.
    • Other sales system: If you book the sale using a report, it counts as a voucher. If for some reason you have to post invoice by invoice or each purchase individually, it counts as one voucher per booking.
  • Other: There are also some other things that must be recorded and thus become a voucher. It is e.g. VAT returns, cost interest on tax account, etc.

How is the “Average number of vouchers” calculated?

We calculate the average number of vouchers through a rolling window of the last three calendar months. The average is based on the number of vouchers the company has had during this period.

You are charged for the package you are in, according to the average, each month.

This is particularly good for companies that have seasonal operations or have more activity around, for example, Christmas or summer. Then you can automatically get a better price during periods where you have less business and fewer business events.

How is the annual turnover calculated?

We start from the company’s actual turnover during the last 12 accounting months. If the company does not yet have 12 months of accounting, the system will recalculate the company’s turnover to 12 months.

Example: When invoicing in May 2022, the turnover that the company has had from 04/01/2021 - 03/31/2022 is checked and this determines which turnover interval the company falls into according to the table above.

Then you can automatically get a better price if you end up in longer periods where you have less business and fewer business events.

What is “maximum number of vouchers”

Maximum number of vouchers is the maximum number of business events that you can have during the month within this package.

If you exceed the maximum number of vouchers, you will automatically be charged for the package that has a “maximum number of vouchers” that is over but closest to your maximum.

Next month you will be charged as usual according to the package where you are according to the average number of vouchers.

We have created a “maximum number of vouchers” to achieve flexibility for you as a customer. This is particularly good for companies that have seasonal operations or have more activity around e.g. Christmas or summer. Then they can have a lower cost during other parts of the year and everything is handled automatically.

What does “Time included in a calendar month” mean?

The time included in a calendar month is a maximum ceiling for time spent connected to your company’s bookkeeping that is included in your packages. This time is calculated based on the fact that it will not normally be exceeded, but sometimes there may be conditions that mean that we spend more time during a month on your company. It can e.g. concern that you have an extra need for advice.

It is your estimated annual turnover that determines the price level within which you end up. Within that level there are three packages, Little, Medium and Much. These packages differ in the number of vouchers and time included each month. This is so that you can get a package based on your company’s conditions and thus not have to pay for more than you normally need.

Should you have several documents in one month or need more time than what your package includes, you will be charged that month for the package that accommodates your needs. It is enough that either time or the number of vouchers would exceed, for you to be charged according to a higher package in the packages: Little, Medium and Much. Should you already be within your turnover level on the Very package, i.e. the highest, then we will charge you continuously for what exceeds. Debiting then takes place according to the normal current rate for your senior economist, see above.

What happens to time or vouchers that have not been used during a calendar month?

At the beginning of each new calendar month, the voucher and time are reset. This means that any unused time or vouchers from the previous month will not be carried over. At Voitto, we have created packages for your accounting on the basis that you should not normally end up outside the price package you have.

We also have costs in the form of fixed salaries every month for the senior economists who handle and quality-assure your bookkeeping. If, for example, you do not receive material on an ongoing basis, and therefore have more tasks in a later month, there is a risk that you may exceed the number of vouchers or time required for that particular month. You will then be charged for this according to the above price lists.

To which period is a voucher counted

To make it easy to calculate how many vouchers you come up with in a month, we at Voitto have chosen to start from the period when you as a user submit the documents to Voitto. The period to which these documents are attributed in the accounting is thus not a factor in this case. This makes it easy for you as a user.

We have not chosen to look at transaction dates for receipts or invoices, pay or sales, where it can take place on a different date and therefore also a different month. Nor have we chosen to make different rules for companies that book according to the cash method or the invoice method.

All so that it will be as easy as possible for you to calculate the number of vouchers and that all customers will have an incentive to come in with documents continuously and not in clumps periodically.

Micro Company Pricing

Micro companies are charged a fixed price of SEK 795/month.

Financial close

A financial statement can be ordered up to 5 months after the last day of the financial year has passed. A financial statement can be ordered no earlier than the day after the end of the financial year. You will, however, receive information about how the order is processed well in advance.

The price for the financial statement is determined based on when the order arrives at us. As we have more to do closer to the submission date, we have chosen to put a higher price on the financial statements during this period. Therefore, it is a good idea to be out in good time - the price will be lower.

The price is based on the estimated annual turnover and how many estimated vouchers the company has during the financial year. If the company has an extended or shortened financial year, this is converted to 12 months.

The prices are based on the company reporting according to the regulations K2, which applies to the majority of the company. For companies reporting according to K3, SEK 4,000 is added to the prices below.

Additional additional work, which is attributable to you not submitting correct documents or similar circumstances, will be charged in addition to the prices below. Therefore, be sure to constantly complete the tasks that you are given in your “To do” list.

Basic Prices for K2 Reporting

Annual Turnover (SEK)0-60 Vouchers61-240 Vouchers241-480 Vouchers481+ Vouchers
  • If your company requires reporting with K3, an additional SEK 4,000 is added.

Late Order Prices

Basic Price (order within 45 days after FY end)Order within 46-75 daysOrder 76+ days after FY end
SEK 4,000SEK 6,000SEK 8,000
SEK 8,000SEK 12,000SEK 16,000
SEK 12,000SEK 18,000SEK 24,000
SEK 15,000SEK 23,000SEK 30,000

If I approved the purchase of financial statements, can I cancel it and not have to pay?

If you have ordered and approved that we at Voitto prepare a financial statement for your company, you cannot cancel it. We have planned the financial statements and reserved resources to be able to complete your financial statements according to the agreed time and refrained from selling the financial statements to anyone else. This means that we will charge the cost of a financial statement even if you wish to cancel the financial statement.

What is required for the company to order a financial statement?

The company must be a customer of Voitto in order to order a financial statement. We cannot deliver financial statements to companies that are not regular customers with us.

The conditions for the price and the assignment will be defined in the quotation, but these include that:

  • All current accounting for the financial year is ready
  • All VAT periods are closed and all VAT reports submitted
  • All bank accounts are reconciled

If any work of an ongoing accounting nature is discovered in the financial year to which the financial statements refer, the work will be charged at SEK 25/minute.

In connection with the annual accounts, you will be assigned a number of tasks that must be carried out according to the communicated deadline in order for us to be able to deliver the accounts.

Costs that are added to us due to delays on your part are charged at SEK 35/minute.

Can I ask that you prioritize my financial statements?

In connection with your acceptance of the quote for your financial statement, it is fine for you to also contact us and ask that we give priority to your financial statement. It must take place within 5 working days from the time you have accepted the quote and you must have ordered financial statements according to the lowest rate as above. This is because we must be able to plan the accounts in good time.

The additional price for a prioritized financial statement amounts to SEK 1,000.